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How to create an Oscar ???? worthy story that captures your audience (aka parents)
This year’s Oscars was as dramatic as ever and yet one movie really stood out to me… The Father by Florian Zeller.
The movie tells the story of an elderly man battling Alzheimer’s and dementia and the impact it has on his life and his loved ones… and while the premise sounds quite simple, it’s one of those movies that grips your heart and transports you into the story, as if you were there, living and feeling through it all.
This ability for us to feel what others are feeling is what makes movies and stories so powerful and a great storyteller knows how to pull on those emotional cords and evoke their audience’s empathy.
So how does this apply to schools?
First and foremost, it starts with understanding and empathizing with what Parents are thinking, saying and feeling… and really digging deep to identify the underlying emotions that are driving their thoughts and feelings.
We often think that we know the answers already, especially if we’ve been in the education space for a while, but circumstances and attitudes change and it would behoove us to take the time to ask the hard questions…
- What keeps you up at night when thinking about your child?
- What concerns do you have about your child’s education and future?
- Is your child happy? Why not?
- Are you satisfied with your child education? Why not?
- What is the most important thing that you look for in a school?
By incorporating these answers into your messaging and truly empathizing with Parents, you’ll create a genuine emotional connection with Parents who are desperately seeking for a school that “GETS” them and their child.
So start your story with genuine empathy and the rest will follow.
Here’s to your Oscar worthy story!
– Mitchell
Mitchell Germain
Founder & CEO @ Zing!
Maximize Your School’s Enrollment with Marketing that Gets Results.
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