Helping Private Schools
Grow Their Enrollment

Lead Magnet

The “Secret” to Building a Strong List of Prospective Families

Have you ever been browsing a website and suddenly you are offered a 20% Off Coupon or an interesting eBook that grabs your attention and prompts you to enter your email??

If yes, then you’ve experienced the power of a Lead Magnet!

A lead magnet is an enticing “freebie” such as an informative eBook, report or other useful content that you offer website visitors in exchange for their contact information.

So when parents land on your website out of curiosity but aren’t ready to commit yet, they’ll be enticed to receive a free piece of helpful content that provides vital information, addresses their pain points or answers some of their most pressing questions.

For example:

????10 Reasons Christian School is the Best Investment for your Child
????5 Tips for Keeping your Child Healthy and Safe While at School
????The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right School for your Child

With that, you’ll be able to send automatic follow-up emails to the parents that opted in, connect with them, build trust and further establish your school as the best option for their child.

While parents may not be ready to enroll their child today, your email nurturing campaigns will keep your school at the top of their list and compel them to stop by for a visit, attend your open house and finally join your school.

You’ll discover that harnessing the power of lead magnets is a great way to nurture quality leads, grow your following and build a strong list of prospective families.

Here’s to a year of strong enrollment growth!


– Mitchell